
Optimize Your Outdoor Activities this Winter with Carlisle Brand Tires

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

As the winter season is upon us, make sure you are equipped with the right tires for snowy conditions. What makes a tire a “snow” tire? – Snow tires are identified from its lugs, tread design and flotation.

  • Lugs: Snow tire lugs are dimpled and or siped which create additional biting edges for increased traction.
  • Tread Design:  Its tread design is positioned with large spacing in-between the lugs to help disperse snow and slush.
  • Flotation: Tire flotation is extremely important when handling loose sediment. To minimize ground disturbance, snow tires tend to stay afloat – keeping you from sinking.

Carlisle Snow Tires

From recreational to chore, Carlisle Brand Tires offer many tire options that fit your needs when tackling snowy conditions.

Blackrock-MS Black Rock® M/S

Equipped with a unique tread design for increased traction and control, the Black Rock M/S (Mud and Snow) tire dominates in the mud and snow. With its deep, widely spaced tread and dimpled lugs, the Black Rock M/S disperses snow and slush in ample fashion.  In addition, the dimpled tread elements pack with snow and ice creating a very effective ice on ice bite.

Product highlights:

  • Self-cleaning mud spikes
  • Hook-shaped tread to grab soft terrain
  • V-shaped dimples for heat control and reduced mud packing
  • 1-inch tread depth for increased forward traction in muddy & snowy  conditions
  • 6 ply rated

Carlisle Brand Snow Hog Snow Hog

With its distinctive “X” shaped tread elements, the Snow Hog tire has an aggressive design made to plow through soft terrain. These tires are primarily made for snow-blowers but are also used on other applications requiring aggressive traction, like go-carts.

Product highlights:

  • Distinctive “X” shaped tread element to grip snow
  • Durable rubber compound to withstand harsh conditions
Carlisle X Trac XTRAC®

The XTRAC tire is the premier tire for snow throwing equipment. It features a unique lug design for traction across the entire face of the tire.

Product highlights:

  • Directional tread pattern provides superior traction
  • Deep lugs enhance grip in all conditions